Dr. Haines' Web Site
This web site is used for experiments and classroom exercises created by Russell Haines.
If you are supposed to be participating in an exercise or research project, double-check the URL that you were given.
If you are bored and wanted to find out more about Russell Haines, feel free to follow the links below.
Academic page for Russell Haines.
Home page for Russell Haines.
Journal Publications:
- Decisional Guidance to Promote Motivation in Supply Chain Decision Making. Russell Haines abd Darin Hodges. 2024. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research. 17(2).
- Activity awareness, social presence, and motivation in distributed virtual teams. Russell Haines. 2021. Information & Management. 58(2).
- Cultural drivers of nascent smartphone use: peeling the layers of the socio-economic onion. David M. Simmonds and Russell P. Haines. 2020. International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing. 3(3-4), 317-338.
- Experimental investigation on the effects of website aesthetics on user performance in different virtual tasks. Meinald Thielsch, Russell Haines, and Leonie Flacke. 2019. PeerJ. 7(e6516).
- The Impact of Technology Availability and Structural Guidance on Group Development in Workgroups Using Computer-Mediated Communication. Russell Haines, Richard Scamell, and Jaymeen Shah. 2018. Information Systems Management. 35(4), 348-368.
- A metacognitive perspective on decision making in supply chains: Revisiting the behavioral causes of the bullwhip effect. Russell Haines, Jill Hough, and Douglas Haines. 2017. International Journal of Production Economics. 184, 7-20.
- Group development in virtual teams: An experimental reexamination. Russell Haines. 2014. Computers in Human Behavior. 39, 213-222.
- Anonymity in Computer-Mediated Communication: More Contrarian Ideas with Less Influence. Russell Haines, Jill Hough, Lan Cao, and Douglas Haines. 2014. Group Decision and Negotiation. 23(4), 765-786.
- A New Perspective on De-Individuation via Computer-Mediated Communication. Russell Haines and Joan Ellen Cheney Mann. 2011. European Journal of Information Systems. 20(2), 156-167.
- Individual and Environmental Impacts on Supply Chain Inventory Management: An Experimental Investigation of Information Availability and Procedural Rationality. Russell Haines, Jill R. Hough and Douglas Haines. 2010. Journal of Business Logistics. 31(2), 111-128.
- The Influence of Workspace Awareness on Group Intellective Decision Effectiveness. Randy Cooper and Russell Haines. 2008. European Journal of Information Systems. 17(6), 631-648.
- The Influence of Perceived Importance of an Ethical Issue on Moral Judgment, Moral Obligation, and Moral Intent. Russell Haines, Marc D. Street, and Douglas Haines. 2008. Journal of Business Ethics 81(2), 387-399.
- Contextual factors affecting the integration of enterprise systems in post-merger oil and gas companies. Jill Hough, Russell Haines, Shannon Giacomo. 2007. Enterprise Information Systems 1(4), 421-441.
- Situational Influences on Ethical Decision-Making in an IT Context. Russell Haines and Lori Leonard. 2007. Information and Management 44(3), 313-320.
- Computer-Mediated Group Influence on Ethical Behavior. Lori Leonard and Russell Haines. 2007. Computers in Human Behavior 23(5), 2302-2320.
- Individual Characteristics and Ethical Decision-Making in an IT Context. Russell Haines and Lori Leonard. 2007. Industrial Management & Data Systems 107(1), 5-20. Featured as one of ten noteworthy journal articles for January 2007 by Emerald Publishing.
Stop Fake News (Facebook page)
Superior Schedule, a web based timebar schedule calculator and hourly employee schedule maker.
Baby Bash, a computer game for babies (6 - 24 months). PC/Mac version Web/Smartphone version
Tape Calculator, a calculator program for PCs that operates like a desktop adding machine.
World Space, a game where you pick apples, build houses, cut wood and achieve.
Meal Planner, a system that will help you plan and prepare your home meal menu.
I received my Ph.D. from the University of Houston.
More Links:
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ODU Monarch Community Alliance
Taylor Elementary School PTA
Taylor Elementary School